Doll Lab - Biomaterial Engineering

Logo BioMaterial Engineering

* (Mechanically) Active Neural Implants * Electrode Nerve Interface * Biocompatible Nanocomposites * Medical Grade Silicone rubber 3D printing * Hydrogel-Silicone Rubber compounds * Brain Computer Interface * Closing the auditory loop * Life Cycle biocompatibility testing

The research group BioMaterial Engineering works towards development and production techniques for new electrode concepts for active implants. Our material concepts cover nanocomposites as biocompatible, low impedance CNT-silicone rubber electrodes , microelectronic circuits for implantable on-board electronics as well as encapsulation strategies to chronic application of them. Also sillicone rubber 3D printing is developed for medical device applications. We develop biochemical sensors for acute in-vivo use as well actuators that make implants hugging to their target tissue. More information about current projects can be found here.

The work group has dual appointment to Fraunhofer. In its Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM we perform addditional biocompatibility testing, risk- and quality management and devlop advanced testing methods suitable for implant developments that go beyond clinical standards.

The group cooperates with the following institutions:

Contact Information:


BioMaterial Engineering 
Prof. Doll
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Stadtfelddamm 34
30625 Hannover

Translationale Medizintechnik
Prof. Doll
Fraunhofer ITEM
Nikolai-Fuchs-Str. 1 (Haupteingang am Stadtfelddamm)
30625 Hannover

Contact Information:

Phone: +49 (0)511 5350 247

A list of the staff can be found here.

About The VIANNA research team