CAL Symposium 2017

Closing the Auditory (efferent) Loop II

Logo CAL 2017

MAY 10th - 12th 2017 in Krems, Austria


In the future of hearing aids and implants, which actually help deaf newborns as well as the aging society, Brain Computer Interfaces will once be needed to make a last big leap to full hearing restoration. While for hearing aids some activities are in midst of being started, ideas for implantable hearing devices remain vague. Our symposium wants to shed some light on possible approaches from different points of view and areas of research. As a follow up to the 2015 meeting held in Hannover Castle we reconvene in Krems, a location close to Vienna at the Danube River in the wonderful UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Wachau. It is overseen by castles and monasteries like Göttweig, where we will have one of the evening events. Scientifically we will catch up with recent advances in the specific field and discuss advantages of intracranial approaches over recent EEG recording techniques. Moreover, we want to foster ongoing activities for experts in- and outside the European Union and define action lines towards a specific roadmap. The symposium is held under the auspices of the newly inaugurated Karl-Landsteiner University and is co-sponsored by the state of Lower Austria. .

Contact Information

Biomaterial Engineering HNO-Klinik Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Stadtfelddamm 34 30625 Hannover

Translationale Medizintechnik Fraunhofer ITEM Dr. Ulrich Froriep Nikolai-Fuchs-Str. 1 (Haupteingang am Stadtfelddamm) 30625 Hannover Tel: 0511-5350-294

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Theodor Doll, Hannover Medical School Dr. Ulrich Froriep, Fraunhofer ITEM Prim. Prof. Dr. Georg Sprinzl, Universitätsklinikum St. Pöten Dr. Philipp Wimmer, Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten

With the kind support of

Logo MHH

Logo UK St. Pölten

Logo Life Science Calls

Logo Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Logo Hearing4all

About The VIANNA research team