Research employee
Research and Interests
- Electric-acoustic stimulation
- Auditory interaction and masking
- Digital signal processing, audio and speech signal processing
- CI sound coding strategies for combined electric and acoustic stimulation
- Psychoacoustics and electrophysiology
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy EXC 2177/1 'Hearing4all'
- European Research Council (ERC): Rehabilitation and Diagnosis of Hearing Loss based on Electric Acoustic Interaction (ReadiHear), Project number: 101044753
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
B. Krüger, A. Büchner, and W. Nogueira, Phantom stimulation for cochlear implant users with residual low-frequency hearing, Ear and Hearing, vol. 43, pp. 631–645, 2022.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, and W. Nogueira, Electric-acoustic interaction measurements in cochlear-implant users with ipsilateral residual hearing using electrocochleography, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 147, p. 350, 2020.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, and W. Nogueira, Amplitude growth of intracochlear electrocochleography in cochlear implant users with residual hearing, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 147, no. 2, pp. 1147–1162, 2020.
D. Kipping, B. Krüger, and W. Nogueira, The role of electroneural versus electrophonic stimulation on psychoacoustic electric-acoustic masking in cochlear implant users with residual hearing, Hearing Research, p. 108036, 2020.
A. Büchner, B. Krüger, S. Klawitter, D. Zimmermann, S. Fredelake and I. Holube, The perception of the stereo effect in bilateral and bimodal cochlear implant users and its contribution to music enjoyment, Plos One, vol. 15, p. e0235435, jul 2020.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, and W. Nogueira, Interaction Between Electric and Acoustic Stimulation Influences Speech Perception in Ipsilateral EAS Users, Ear and Hearing, vol. 41, pp. 868–882, 2020.
W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, and E. Lopez-Poveda, Contralateral suppression of human hearing sensitivity in single-sided deaf cochlear implant users, Hearing Research, vol. 373, pp. 121–129, mar 2019.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, and W. Nogueira, Electric-acoustic forward masking in cochlear implant users with ipsilateral residual hearing, Hearing Research, vol. 364, pp. 25–37, 2018.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner, and W. Nogueira, Simultaneous masking between electric and acoustic stimulation in cochlear implant users with residual low-frequency hearing, Hearing Research, vol. 353, p. 185, 2017.
H.-P. Brückner, B. Krüger and H. Blume, Reliable orientation estimation for mobile motion capturing in medical rehabilitation sessions based on inertial measurement units, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 45, no. 12, 2014.
Peer Reviewed Conference Publications
H. Hachmann, B. Krüger, B. Rosenhahn and W. Nogueira, Localization of cochlear implant electrodes from cone beam computed tomography using particle belief propagation, IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 593–597, 2021.
W. Nogueira, T. Gajecki, B. Krüger, J. Janer and A. Büchner, Development of a Sound Coding Strategy based on a Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Monaural Source Separation in Cochlear Implants, Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium, 2016.
Conference Contributions
B. Krüger, A. Großkopf and W. Nogueira, Towards extracochlear electric-acoustic stimulation of the auditory system, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2023.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Contribution of low-frequency information to the speech perception of cochlear implant users with ipsilateral residual hearing conveyed through acoustic or phantom stimulation, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Online, 2021.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz and W. Nogueira, Amplitudenwachstum der intracochleären Electrocochleograpie zur Bestimmung von EAS Interaktion bei Cochlea-Implantatträgern mit Restgehör, (Abstract only). 23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Online, 2020.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Individualized phantom stimulation for cochlear implant users with low frequency acoustic residual hearing. Hearing4all Symposium - The Future of Hearing, 2020.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Intracochleäre Elektrocochleographie zur objektiven Beurteilung von elektrisch-akustischer Interaktion in Cochlea-Implantat Trägern mit Restgehör, 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Heidelberg, Germany, 2019.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Characterization of EAS interaction through ECochG amplitude growth functions, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2019.
W. Nogueira, E. Lopez-Poveda, B. Krüger, P. Delano and C. Dragicevic, Contralateral suppression of human hearing sensitivity in single-sided deaf cochlear implant users, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2019.
B. Krüger, K. Koka, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Objektive Messung simultaner Maskierung bei elektrisch-akustischer Stimulation der Cochlea, 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Halle, Germany, 2018.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, and W. Nogueira, Elektrophysiologische und Psychophysische Elektrisch-Akustische Maskierung in EAS Nutzern, 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Halle, Germany, 2018.
B. Krüger, K. Koka, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Electric-acoustic interaction in cochlear implant users with ipsilateral residual hearing using electrocochleography, 10th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants (OMAI), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2018.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, T. Lenarz , A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Electrophysiological and Psychophysical Electric-acoustic Forward Masking in EAS Users, 41st MidWinter Meeting Of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, USA, 2018.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz , and W. Nogueira, Elektrophysiologische und Psychophysische Elektrisch-Akustische vorwärts Maskierung in EAS Nutzern, 89. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 97(S02): 188 - 189, Bonn, Germany, 2018.
B. Krüger, K. Koka, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Physiologische und psychometrische Charakterisierung ipsilateraler Maskierung bei elektrisch-akustischer Stimulation der Cochlea, 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Aalen, Germany, 2017.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Elektrisch-akustische Vorwärtsmaskierung bei Cochlea-Implantat Trägern mit ipsilateralem Restgehör, 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Aalen, Germany, 2017.
W. Nogueira, E. Lopez-Poveda, A. Büchner and B. Krüger, Die kontralaterale efferente Unterdrückung der Hörempfindlichkeit bei einseitig ertaubten Cochlea-Implantat Trägern, 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Aalen, Germany, 2017.
B. Krüger, T. Fiedler, P. Baumhoff, D. Shah, A. Kral, A. Büchner, H. Maier and W. Nogueira, A model based sound coding strategy for laser stimulation in cochlear implant users with residual hearing, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2017.
W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, M. Imsiecke and A. Büchner, Psychoacoustic masking models applied to sound coding strategies for cochlear implants, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2017.
M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Electric-acoustic forward masking in cochlear implant users with ipsilateral residual hearing, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2017.
W. Nogueira, E. Lopez-Poveda, A. Büchner and B. Krüger, Contralateral Efferent Suppression of Human Hearing Sensitivity in Single-sided Deaf Cochlear Implant Users, 40th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, USA, 2017.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Charakterisierung von ipsilateraler Maskierung zwischen akustischer und elektrischer Stimulation durch Cochlea Implantate, 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Hannover, Germany, 2016.
S. Klawitter, B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Betrachtung der Tonhöhenwahrnehmung bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern mit einseitiger Taubheit über ein Jahr nach Erstanpassung, 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Hannover, Germany, 2016.
A. Büchner, S. Haumann, B. Krüger, K. Koka, G. Geissler and T. Lenarz, Intra- und post-operative Elektrocochleographie über Kontakte des Cochlea-Implantat-Elektrodenträgers, 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Hannover, Germany, 2016.
W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, A. Büchner and T. Lenarz, Electric-Acoustic Interactions in Hybrid Cochlear Implant Users, Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2016.
A. Büchner, S. Haumann, B. Krüger, K. Koka, G. Geissler and T. Lenarz, Electrocochleography for monitoring of residual hearing during and after cochlear implantation, 9th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants (OMAI), Szeged, Hungary, 2016.
B. Krüger, W. Nogueira, K. Koka and A. Büchner, Physiological and Psychometric characterization of ipsilateral masking between acoustic and electric stimulation through cochlear implants, 9th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants (OMAI), Szeged, Hungary, 2016.
S. Klawitter B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Development of Electric-Acoustic Pitch Comparisons in Single-Sided-Deaf Cochlear Implant Users, 39th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, USA, 2016.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Characterization of Ipsilateral Masking between Acoustic and Electric Stimulation through Cochlear Implants, 39th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, USA, 2016.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Characterization of Ipsilateral Masking between Acoustic and Electric Stimulation through Cochlear Implants, International Symposium - Closing the Auditory (Efferent) Loop, Hannover, 2015.
B. Krüger, A. Büchner and W. Nogueira, Characterization of Ipsilateral Masking between Acoustic and Electric Stimulation through Cochlear Implants, Future of Hearing - International Symposium of the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, Hannover, Germany, 2015.
S. Fredelake, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, B. Böhnke, J. Müller-Deile and C. Frohne-Büchner, Anpassung des Cochlea-Implantat-Prozessors basierend auf der Lautheits-skalierung an einzelnen Elektroden, 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Bochum, Germany, 2015.
P. Hehrmann, D. Zimmermann, B. Krüger, M. Brendel, A. Büchner and S. Fredelake, Stereomusikwahrnehmung mit Cochlea-Implantaten, 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Bochum, Germany, 2015.
A. Büchner, B. Krüger, V. Hamacher and T. Lenarz, Ergebnisse einer neuen Signalverarbeitungsstrategie zur effektiveren Nutzung der Elektrode-Nerv-Schnittstelle, GMS Current Posters in Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2015.
S. Fredelake, P. Boyle, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, P. Hehrmann and V. Hamacher, The perception of stereo music by cochlear implant users, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA, 2015.
Contact | |
Research employee: |
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Krüger |
Address: |
DHZ-Deutsches HörZentrum Hannover Karl-Wiechert-Allee 3 30625 Hannover |
Phone: | +49 (0)511 532 6678 |
Fax: | +49 (0)511 532 6833 |
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