Design of an End-to-End Deep Learning Sound Coding Strategy for Cochlear Implants and Validation through an Objective Metric based on Mutual Information. Gajecki T, Alvarez F, Nogueira W. VCCA2024.
A 3D computational model framework of the stimulated peripheral auditory system. Zhang Y, Alvarez F, Kipping D, Nogueira W. VCCA2024.
A Computational Model of the Electrically or Acoustically Evoked Compound Action Potential in Cochlear Implant Users with Residual Hearing. Kipping D, Zhang Y, Nogueira W. ICBT 2023.
A Computational Model of the Electrically or Acoustically Evoked Compound Action Potential in Hybrid Cochlear Implant Users. Kipping D, Zhang Y, Nogueira W. CIAP 2023.
Electric Acoustic Integration in Bimodal Cochlear Implant Users. Dolhopiatenko H, Nogueira W. CIAP 2023.
A Computational Modeling Framework for Auditory Nerve Stimulation with a Cochlear Implant and the Novel Auditory Nerve Implant. Kipping D, Zhang Y, Dyballa KH, Heiller A, Lim H, Nogueira W. ARO 2023.
Behavioral and electrophysiological measurements of electric acoustic integration in bimodal cochlear implant users.
Dolhopiatenko H, Nogueira W. ARO 2023.
Dekodierung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit bei einseitig ertaubten Patienten mittels Cochlea-Implantat-Elektroden als Sensoren.
Aldag N, Büchner B, Lenarz T, Nogueira W. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie e.V.. Erfurt, 14.-17.09.2022. -
Auditory Nerve Stimulation with the Novel Auditory Nerve Implant and a Cochlear Implant – A Computer Model Study.
Kipping D, Zhang Y, Dyballa KH, Heiller A, Richardson B, Lim H, Nogueira W. ARO 2022. -
Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures of Central Interaction between Electric and Acoustic Stimulation in Cochlear Implant Users. Dolhopiatenko H, Nogueira W. ARO 2022.
A 3D Computational Model Framework for Stimulation with the Auditory Nerve Implant and the Cochlear Implant.
Kipping D, Dyballa KH, Bayazid B, Lim H, Nogueira W. CIAP 2021. -
Decoding Selective ATtention from Single-Trial EEG Data in Cochlear Implant Users with Ipsilateral Residual Hearing. Dolhopiatenko H, Nogueira W. CIAP 2021.
A Computational Single-Fiber Model of Electric-Acoustic Stimulation.
Kipping D, Nogueira W. VCCA 2021 -
Towards Decoding Selective Attention in Single Sided Deafened Subjects using Cochlear Implant Electrodes.
Aldag N, Büchner A, Nogueira W. ARO 2021. -
A Computational Single-Fiber Model of Electric-Acoustic Stimulation: Design and Validation.
Kipping D, Nogueira W. ARO 2021. -
Simulation Study of Novel Auditory Nerve Implant: Model and Expected Percepts.
Heiller AP, Dyballa KH, Kipping D, Richardson B, Lenarz T, Oxenham AJ, Nogueira W, Lim HH. ARO 2021.
Elektrisch-akustische Maskierung bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern mit akustischem Restgehör - zur Rolle der Elektrophonie.
Kipping D, Nogueira W. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie e.V., DGA 2020 -
Towards Decoding Selective Attention from Single-Trial EEG Data In Cochlear Implant Users based on Deep Neural Network.
Nogueira W, Dolhopiatenko H. IASSP 2020.